3rd Party Supplier Management

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Businesses often find managing relationships with 3rd party technology suppliers harder than pulling teeth.  We see time and time again that there is a disconnect between what the customer needs and what the 3rd party provides. This leads to frustration on the customer side, but they often lack the technical knowledge to engage productively with the supplier to get the relationship and service to where it needs to be

We can help - we have managed hundreds of 3rd party IT suppliers over the years, covering areas such as IT support, telecoms, networking, security, and systems. Being one step removed, we can have those difficult conversations that you might otherwise avoid, and that means we are in a great position to assess whether you are getting value and service from these providers, and if not put that right!  Alternatively, should you decide that the time is right to make a change, we have a list of trusted suppliers that we can call on and assess their suitability for the task in hand.  It is worth noting that as an independent IT consultancy, we receive no referral fee or commission arrangements from any supplier, leaving us free to focus on getting the best outcome for our clients.