Service Providers
Having worked in Director level IT roles, we know how to get the best out of service providers, be they managed services, IT support, networking, telecoms, security (you get it, the list goes on and on!)
Without service providers, a business’ IT is unlikely to function - they are a significant cog in the IT machine. However, there are times when those cogs can malfunction or jam and that’s where we come in. As the trusted intermediary, we can oil the wheels and get those cogs turning again by working with service providers to ensure both client and provider are getting the maximum value from their relationship.
We can validate a business’ existing IT decisions, or in the case of a relationship that is starting to struggle or has even reached the point of no return, develop strategies, propose solutions and implement effective business change.
Whilst we are proudly independent, we do have excellent relationships with a number of service providers that operate in the market, and find that those who communicate well with both the client and the consultant are the ones who benefit from the highest levels of client retention.
We see ourselves as an asset rather than a threat to good service providers. Our strategic expertise coupled with their experience and specific technical knowledge can add value and protection for both the service provider and the client, whilst also really helping businesses to get the most out of their IT.
If you would like to know more and discuss ways we can work with you as a service provider then Contact us or book a 30-minute slot to discuss further.