Why Information Systems are like my Father’s Golf Clubs

Whilst playing Golf with my father in Cardigan over the beautiful summer bank holiday, it struck me that a business’ view of their Information Systems often echoes my father’s view of his Golf clubs (bear with me here).

My father enjoys his Golf, but when trying to hit the cover off the ball at 73 years of age, the end result is usually a duffed shot or a wild slice.  This inevitably leads to a quizzical look at the club in question, as if to imply that the problem lies there.  When I try and explain to him that a couple of lessons with the golf pro to adapt his swing and improve his ball striking would be the way to go, I'm always met with ”Nonsense, nothing wrong with the swing, I have seen a new driver though, that will solve the problem”.  Hard earned cash is then spent on a shiny new toy, but inevitably the new Driver doesn’t solve the issue, and the ball continues to be topped or sliced.

A business’ view of its Critical Information Systems is often very similar.  When a system does not work as expected and fails to produce the required result (my father’s golf shots), end users can typically be found muttering that a new system is the answer to their problems (the new driver).  Sometimes, this is true, particularly if the system is deemed End of Life, but often what is required is that the business needs to re-engage with the current system (the club professional).  A system review by an external IT consultant often reveals that the system in question is only being used at 60% of its potential (CRM anyone?), thereby robbing the company of the day-to-day efficiency savings it requires to meet its business objectives.

Presenting the additional features and their associated benefits to the end users can often be a quick win (the “well I didn't know it could do that” moment).  It triggers buy-in and increases confidence in the system.  Once this has been achieved, a comprehensive business wide re-training program can produce a quick return on investment and often eliminates the need to undertake a procurement and capital investment exercise in a shiny new system.  

If you think you have critical Information Systems that are like my father’s golf game then give us a call or contact us.  We can undertake an independent system review and work with you to re-engage your staff with the existing system, or run a comprehensive procurement exercise and implement a new fit for purpose system. Either way, our aim is to ensure you get a system that can meet your business’ strategic objectives and stop those duffed shots and wild slices that can prove costly!


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